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Work Portfolio

I am a marketing professional with over nine years of experience in digital and social media marketing. I am a dedicated hard worker, a quick learner, and an expert in my field. Enjoy browsing samples of my work from my recent roles. Don't hestitate to fill out my contact form if you have questions! Additional samples are available upon request. My full resume can be found here.

Social Media

I have over nine years of experience writing and creating content for social media for a variety of platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, Linkedin, YouTube, Reddit, Pinterest, Giphy, and Spotify. Content included organic as well as branded content.


I am well-versed in writing blog-style content. My blogs at Summerfest are rich in content (photos, playlists, charts, and more) and were used to drive traffic to our website from our email and social platforms. My concert reviews for Charm Music Magazine are immersive and detail-driven.

Project Management

I have acted as Project Manager for a variety of promotions during the festival season. The projects listed below involved many moving parts, in a variety of departments, with a variety of deadlines and objectives.

Example 1

Part of my duties during the festival was to provide creative direction for festival recap videos. This involved working with the video shooters and editors to produce a finished product that meets all requirements and sponsors' deliverables.

Example 2

After each festival, the team of 5-7 photographers delivered their final edited photos. Before I was hired, there was not a way to name files or search through photos through keywords. I worked with IT to find a tag-able and searchable solution. Between 2017 and 2022, I tagged and sorted over 100,000 photos. 

Example 3

#DIYSummerfest - In 2020 when the pandemic was causing concerts and festivals to cancel, it was difficult to keep Summerfest fans engaged on social media. They were anxious about the state of the world, and they were missing out on the festival experience. As a way to keep fans engaged on social media, I created a promotion called “#DIYSummerfest” that encouraged fans to make their own festival at home in a safe, socially-distanced way and to share their experience with Summerfest online. The promotion caught the attention of all four of Milwaukee’s local news channels, brought sales to our merch online, and thousands of engagements and impressions to our previously quiet social channels.

Social Media


Example 4

In 2017, Summerfest, a music festival in Milwaukee, WI celebrated its 50th edition. As part of the year's promotion, I created a 50-day countdown calendar of events to build hype around the festival. It included social promotions, live events, and more. I acted as Project Manager for every item on the calendar and made sure items were executed flawlessly.

Social Media


© 2023 by Kellie McGinnis

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